The Operaio SCSM Archive consists of three main components: the archive, a search and access function via your browser, and a reporting tool. It thus offers a fast and intuitive alternative to the SCSM Data Warehouse.


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The archive allows you to regularly archive your SCSM data. You define at what times and which data is synchronized from the Service Manager to the archive. In addition, data from your data warehouse or from other databases can be migrated once. You decide whether your data should also be anonymized at the same time.

The search and access function allows you to easily find archived work items. You can conveniently access the archive via your browser and use simple or advanced search to access and view your old tickets.

With the Reporting Dashboard, you can view predefined reports or create your own customized dashboards. This gives you an overview of your service requests, incidents, etc. and provides you with the basis for confident planning.

  • archives your data
  • reduces the workload of the service manager without losing data and thus increases its performance
  • allows data anonymization
  • is searchable with a search tool
  • comes with a reporting dashboard