Operaio GmbH is a consulting company in the field of IT service management with a focus on customized solutions for customers in the Microsoft world. With many years of experience, comprehensive expertise and a holistic approach, we help our customers to make their IT services more efficient and achieve their business goals. Our customer focus, strong partnerships and commitment to quality make us the ideal partner for successful IT solutions. Contact us today to learn how we can help you.

Translated from Italian, Operaio means ‘the worker’. Our name also corresponds to our philosophy. We see ourselves as your service management support at eye level in the areas of design, implementation and operation. We are always trying to optimise the efficiency in your company and we are happy about the success of our customers – we achieve this with our own software products or through strategic partnerships with other software manufacturers – be it in Switzerland or around the world.

Operaio GmbH ist ein Beratungsunternehmen im Bereich automatisiertes IT-Service-Management mit Fokus auf massgeschneiderten Lösungen für Kunden in der Microsoft-Welt. Mit langjähriger Erfahrung, umfassender Expertise und einem ganzheitlichen Ansatz helfen wir unseren Kunden, ihre IT-Services effizienter zu gestalten und ihre geschäftlichen Ziele zu erreichen. Unsere Kundenorientierung, starken Partnerschaften und Engagement für Qualität machen uns zum idealen Partner für erfolgreiche IT-Lösungen. Kontaktieren Sie uns noch heute und erfahren Sie, wie wir Ihnen helfen können.

The entire team identifies with the core values of Operaio GmbH and we are proud to be able to provide our customers with highly professional and equally personal advice:

Automated Service Management, Service Management with Microsoft orientation, Microsoft Service Management, Azure Service Management, Microsoft ITIL, Teams Service Management, SharePoint Service Management, Microsoft ITSM, Microsoft Automate, Azure ITSM, Teams ITSM, Teams Service Desk, Provance ServiceTeam

Adrian Probst

Partner | CEO

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Automated Service Management, Service Management with Microsoft orientation, Microsoft Service Management, Azure Service Management, Microsoft ITIL, Teams Service Management, SharePoint Service Management, Microsoft ITSM, Microsoft Automate, Azure ITSM, Teams ITSM, Teams Service Desk, Provance ServiceTeam

Marcello Rosenberg

Partner | Head of Professional Services

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Automated Service Management, Service Management with Microsoft orientation, Microsoft Service Management, Azure Service Management, Microsoft ITIL, Teams Service Management, SharePoint Service Management, Microsoft ITSM, Microsoft Automate, Azure ITSM, Teams ITSM, Teams Service Desk, Provance ServiceTeam

Raphael Krebs

Partner | Head of Development

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Automated Service Management, Service Management with Microsoft orientation, Microsoft Service Management, Azure Service Management, Microsoft ITIL, Teams Service Management, SharePoint Service Management, Microsoft ITSM, Microsoft Automate, Azure ITSM, Teams ITSM, Teams Service Desk, Provance ServiceTeam

Dario Rosenberg

Junior DevOps Engineer


Anton Gritsenko

Lead Developer

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Lilian Kha

Customer Success Manager

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